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Friday, July 8, 2016

The 1970s

We own a 1971 Chevelle, so when we did our 2012 family self portraits, I made sure to do a fun photo with it. (See photo at the end).

Now that it has been 4 years, my boys have grown quite a bit and I thought it was the perfect time to do this photo again. During my planning for this photo I came up with an idea. I would now forward time along with my boys by choosing clothing that would be later in date to what we wore the first time. It's not an exact science and I wasn't looking to be exactly accurate, more in general theme sense. My new idea is to take this photo every 4 years and not only show that my boys have aged 4 years but I will change our styles to match that as well. So in 2020 I will do this photo yet again but with us in early 80's clothing. I'm hoping by 2024 to have 4 really cool photos that will show us going from early 70's to late 80's like a family might have done with a 1971 Chevelle.

Here is my 2016 version :)


Our 2012 version:


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